What is Toxoplasmosis?
Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by the single-celled Parasite
Toxoplasma gondii.
Who Gets it ?
All species of animals, including humans.
Why are cats blamed for Toxoplasmosis?
Cats are the only animal species to shed the infectious stage FOR
TOXOPLASMOSIS in their feces. All animals, however, can disseminate
Toxoplasmosis if their infected meat is eaten.
How do cats get it?
By eating rodents, raw meat, cockroaches, flies, or by contacting
infected cats, infected cat feces, or contaminated soil.
What are the chances of my cat acquiring it?
Good , if you cat is allowed to hunt or is fed raw meat.
How will I know if my cat has Toxoplasmosis?
You probably won’t since most infected cats show no symptoms,
although sometimes there is transient diarrhea, or more rarely,
other symptoms, such as pneumonia, hepatitis or neurologic disease.
Should I worry about getting Toxoplasmosis from my pet
Chances are unlikely you will acquire the infection from your cat,
but caution is advised for high risk groups.
Should I test my cat for Toxoplasmosis?
Yes, all it is a simple blood test.
How do I prevent my cat from getting it?
Don’t feed your cat raw meat, prevent your cat from hunting
and keep your cat indoors.
How do I get it?
Rarely from an infected cat.