Asthma and asthma/bronchitis complex are extremely common problems
in my feline patient population. The symptoms are often confusing
to the cat’s person. A frequent symptom is coughing, but most
people mistake a cat’s cough for retching or gagging. When
a cat coughs it stretchs its chin out and sown and the abdomen will
contract. There isn’t usually a loud coughing sound, but more
a wheeze or a rattle which is muted. A persons first instinct will
be to grab the cat and move it off best rug, because they believe
the cat is about to vomit. Often the situation is further confused
by the fact that the cat may drool – making it look like wretching
or regurgitation.
Often people consider this to “a hairball cough”. I
don’t really believe in hairball coughs. Hairball obstruction,
hairball constipation and hairball vomiting I do believe in, but
not the cough. Cats with asthma, may wheeze but this isn’t
tremendously frequent. If you carefully observe a cat’s breathing
you could detect differences in the character of the respirations
in a cat with pulmonary or cardiac problems.
Cats with asthma/bronchitis complex will often breathe more then
25 times per minute (in and out being one respiration) while asleep.
Also, there is a light catch in the respiration often seen as a
lift in the abdomen that seems mildly asynchronous to the movement
of the ribs and chest wall. Very careful observation may indicate
that this “abdominal lift” is associated with expiration
not inspiration.
With other problems like pneumonia or fluid in the lungs from cardiac
problems, the cat has more difficulty breathing in so their effect
is more inspiratory. These differences are very subtle and can be
confusing even to experienced Veterinarians. Most breathing problems
or coughing should be assayed via a set of chest X-rays. Your Veterinarian
will prescribe specific medications for your cat’s particular
problem. These drugs might be cortisone type drugs, antibiotics
and or bronchodialactors. Below are some helpful hints in order
to deal with your cat if he or she is diagnosed with ashma/bronchitis
complex. Also, avoid known allergic foods particularly any containing
Home Care for Asthmatics
1. Count sleeping respiration’s/observe coughing and report
these regularly to veterinarian especially if either is increasing
A. “Sleeping” = deeply enough to not awaken if a hand/shadow
is passed overhead.
B. Count respirations for a whole minute or a fraction thereof
and multiply by appropriate Factor (ex. 15 sec. X 4). Breathing
in and out = 1 respiration.
C. Normal rate = 18 to 22 respirations per minute; we’re
looking for a general pattern of increase/decrease over time, especially
as medication takes effect or dosage changes.
D. Keep written record or notes on a calendar of above; also note
any coughing episodes. Some asthmatics need constant low levels
of medication; others have intermittent or seasonal needs.
1. Eliminate irritants in the environment.
A. Use non-dusty litter; we recommend the 90% dust free clay types
or cedar-shavings type (Katgo brand) or pellet type (Letter Green
brand) and recycled newspaper pellets like Litter-luv or Yesterdays
B. Avoid aerosol sprays around the cat, and “86” friends
who smoke excessively.
C. Consult our “Basic Care Sheet” for recommended brands
and flavors of canned food; avoid fish and semi-moist types (allergens).
2. “Stress-venting” activity on a regular basis
A. Pick a pleasurable activity on (a type of play, stroking session,
brushing) and try to repeat it at the same time each day; your cat
will become geared to this regular activity (which need only take
a couple of minutes) and will vent internalized stress.